The Beginning Experience Weekend

The Beginning Experience Weekend is a Friday evening to Sunday afternoon program for adults grieving the loss of a love relationship through death, divorce or separation, who are ready to come to terms with their loss and begin to move forward with their lives. This is the core program and the foundation of the Beginning Experience ministry.

The Pain of Loss

The loss of a loved one through separation, divorce or death is one of life's most traumatic experiences. It can result in nearly unbearable feelings of loneliness and grief. Many people who have suffered this loss feel left out by their church, uneasy around married friends, unsure of themselves and uncertain about their futures.

Hope for a New Beginning

The Beginning Experience Weekend program helps grieving single-again persons emerge from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning, and move into the future with renewed hope. The program helps deal with the natural grief process and offer an opportunity, through God, for turning the pain of loss into and experience of positive growth. Founded by a Catholic nun and rooted in the Christian tradition, the ministry's open, ecumenical spirit serves those of all faiths.

Experience of Community

From Friday evening through Sunday afternoon, the Beginning Experience program is presented by a team of people who have suffered the loss of a loved one and are willing to share their experience to help others. Team members lead participants through a program of presentations, personal private reflections, and small group sharing. A sense of community develops in an atmosphere of care and concern that is a hallmark of each Beginning Experience weekend.

Who Should Attend

The Beginning Experience weekend is designed to be a time of closure on the past and renewed hope for the future. Those who come should be beyond the initial feelings of anger and despair which usually follow the loss of a loved one. They should be at the point of wanting a new beginning and ready to work to make that desire a reality.

The Results

Those who've attended the weekend program report:

Increased emotional health and self respect.

New skills to deal with the pain of loss.

Healthier Family Relationships.

Renewed energy to be more effective parents, return to their church and improve the standard of living for themselves and their families.

The Invitation

Whether you choose to attend the Beginning Experience weekend only, or in addition to other support for the single again, the program's invitational process offers the opportunity to move toward a new beginning in life. It's quality and effectiveness are well documented.

Developed by respected professionals in grief psychology, ministry, education and organizational process, the program is both psychologically and spiritually sound.

The ministry has been honored by the North American Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics and the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers, participated in the International Conference for the World Federation for Mental Health in Ireland, and addressed the Australian government's Year of Family Congress.

To ensure the integrity of the copyrighted program, the Beginning Experience International Ministry Center, periodically certifies 120 Peer Ministry teams worldwide to present the program.

Program Location and Cost

In Western North Dakota, Beginning Experience Weekends are held at Assumption Abby, Richardton, North Dakota.

The Beginning Experience Weekend begins at 7:30 MST Friday night and closes on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 MST.

The Cost of this weekend to the participant is $175, which includes the program, two nights lodging, five meals and Renewal Sunday. A non-refundable deposit of $30 must be received prior to the weekend.

A payment plan, if needed, is available for the balance. Arrangements must be made with the Weekend Application Coordinator prior to the weekend. Dates and prices are subject to change.

Upcoming Weekends:

The next Weekend dates are:

2024: March 22-24 and November 22-24

2025: March 28-30 and November 21-23

2026: March/April and November 20-22

Applications are due two weeks in advance.

For more information, contact us.

All information received is strictly confidential and is not shared with any other agency or organization.